Calm Company

Mental Wellbeing

Talks and guest speaking

Nick Warburton has ventured into the realm of talks and speaking after being asked to impart his knowledge and experiences to those interested in understanding more about the mind.

Having spent many years as a College Lecturer, standing in front of a (generally!) willing audience, Nick picked up the skills and training to transfer knowledge and understanding in both fun and interesting ways. He has spoken at Bootcamps for businesses and at the NEC for wellbeing. You too can experience this when inviting Nick as a guest speaker.

Talk Content

With all the experience and training Nick has received, he can speak about a variety of subjects within both Mindset and Trauma related topics. Want to know about how to achieve success? Nick is available as a motivational speaker for all ages and for all businesses.

In Person or Online Presentations

Nick can deliver a fun and engaging talk either in person at your event or online via a live video presentation.

Talk Duration

Nick can create a talk relevant to your required area or he has particular subjects of interest. His talks range from 20 minutes to an hour or more and can be altered to suit your particular time slot. Contact Nick to discuss your needs.

Making you feel calm and at ease

Whether as an individual or as an audience, you will find Nick is a calm, positive individual with great empathy and who has a way to make you feel very at ease. His sense of humour and speaking style create an engaging and entertaining talk. He ensures that his talk is FOR you and the audience and not just another monologue.

Contact Nick now to discuss your opportunity.

Pubic speaking about mindset

Public Speaking

Mindset & Success

Skillset - Mindset - Structure

Mindset public speaking

Call: 0844 357 92 92


Calm Company mental wellbeing

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