Calm Company

Corporate Mental Wellbeing FAQs

You may have some questions about Mental Wellbeing in the workplace. We have added some of the frequently asked questions, below.

If you can't find the answer to your question here, by all means, contact us. Let's increase your understanding and plan the best strategy for you, your staff and your business.

What does wellbeing at work mean?

Quite simply, wellbeing at work means what a member of staff feel or thinks when at and about their place of work.

If it was negative, then it has a detrimental effect on their thoughts, mood, response and motivation. This in turn can affect both mental and physical health, leading to absenteeism or a high turnover of staff.

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Why is wellbeing important in the workplace?

Wellbeing at work is important for 2 main reasons:

1) It's important that you don't encounter distress or compromised mental health/wellbeing for a prolonged period of time and that quality of life isn't compromised due to the work environment.

2) For a business to thrive, it must have skillset, mindset and structure. Often, only some skillset and structure are in place and this creates a limiting factor. If there is no continuity of staff, high staff turnover or there's apathy within the workforce, then a business will struggle, no matter how big or small they are.

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What can impact wellbeing at work?

There are a variety of factors that can impact your wellbeing at work.

Some common examples are:

Workplace environment, eg, comfortable/safe working conditions.

Attitude and behaviour of colleagues, management or customers.

Workplace conditions, hours, pressure or expectations.

Lack of support, recognition or a feeling of being valued.

Lack of training for a role or unachievable high expectations and deadlines.

These can vary depending on the nature of the role and the company.

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How wellbeing at work impacts on an individual?

Wellbeing at work can impact on an individual by creating distress, changes in mood and attitude and affecting their mental health.

The symptoms will vary depending on their situation and the nature of the cause, however, it is vital that any changes are recognised and dealt with appropriately. Some mental health or wellbeing impact signs can be a change in character or attitude, more time off work, more irritability, emotional or more reserved/quiet. Difficulty thinking ('Brain fog'). These changes in wellbeing are likely to impact home life too and can become a constant or recurring issue as their situation worsens.

This is why it is important to have the proper training in place for staff and to be proactive in recognising and being able to support or self-care to minimise any potential wellbeing risk.

Having good mental resilience ensures a reduction in mental wellbeing issues, both at work and at home.

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How can I improve wellbeing at work?

That depends on your situation. If you are already someone encountering negative mental wellbeing signs or symptoms, then it is important that you do something about it as soon as possible. This may be through contacting your employer or a GP/medical consultant.

If you are an employer and want to improve your workplace and empower your staff, then the key is education. By learning about mental health and wellbeing, the necessary policies and procedures can be put in place to minimise mental health issues and risks.

Having a workforce who have great mental wellbeing and a strong mental resilience means that your staff will be more cohesive, productive and above all, happy. This reduces absenteeism and increases staff retention, productivity and profit, as well as making it a great place to work for everyone!

This is why Calm Company was created; to enable proper education, proactive skills utilised and strategies to be set in place to make a great and profitable working environment. It's all about creating calm and happiness. With that, job satisfaction and a feeling of community builds and you have a cohesive workforce.

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The solution...

As you can see from the FAQs, it is important that staff are trained not only to proactively recognise potential issues, self-care and ensure they have great mental wellbeing and resilience, it is important that they look after each other in the workplace too.

Just suppose you and your staff have been trained to quickly and effectively recognise mental wellbeing issues and can then self-manage them, using new skills that can really make a positive difference. This proactive approach creates a resilient workforce that can become focused, productive and relaxed. The staff becomes loyal to your company, as they feel happy, valued and cared for, which in turn improves home life too. How would that feel?

With the challenging times encountered from both global and national occurrences, isn't it time you ensured that your company and staff are resilient?

Calm Company offers a rapid and brilliant solution to your corporate wellbeing and resilience needs, starting at less than £16 per person. Contact us now and let's discuss the best solution and strategy for your company.

Skillset - Mindset - Structure

wellbeing at work consultants

Training Programmes

Available as either on-site or live webinar events

We offer a wide range of Calm Company training programmes to suit your business and staff's mental wellbeing and mental resilience needs. Imagine how valued your staff will feel when they are cared for by their employer in something that really benefits their work life and home life too. In these modern and often stressful times, it's important for people to feel part of a 'family' and have belonging.

The programmes can be presented online through a Zoom or Teams live webinar, or on-site, in person. It's designed around fun and discovery as you and your staff learn a toolkit of new wellbeing at work resources that can be applied immediately and forward into the future. The aim is to have attendees feel a positive difference within the training session itself, which can then be built on with momentum. Being able to actively self-care and look out for each other means a potential major reduction in absenteeism due to mental wellbeing issues. Reduced absenteeism increases productivity, reduces costs and creates bigger profits and of course, happy staff. It's difficult when a CEO or Director has a required duty to create profit, so having happy, productive staff reduces that stress.

Our Calm Company training programmes are generally available as 1 hour, 2 hour depending on content and outcome. We also have an online-only 'R.A.W Bite-size' for when time or staff availability is limited. This has proven very effective in fast-paced environments.

We limit the maximum number of attendees for a training session is 25, as this enables interaction and ensures all attendees understand the specific training and concepts. Your attendees receive a supporting training manual post-attendance to ensure they have the new skillset and mindset. Download our pdf brochure by clicking the button below and view our Calm Company programmes in detail. Alternatively, contact us and we can identify your training needs and create a solution.

Contact Calm Company and let's get started.

Call: 0844 357 92 92


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