Calm Company

Corporate Wellbeing

Mental wellbeing for the corporate sector YOU

Creating a calm and mentally resilient workplace environment offers many benefits. It's not just for the company, it's for you, your staff and the management, benefiting both work and home life.

Learn rapid, pro-active methods with Calm Company

Skillset - Mindset - Structure


Tel: 0844 357 92 92

Nick Warburton on LinkedIN


We can work with you to identify your company's strengths and weaknesses regarding staff wellbeing. Let us assist you in creating the right setup, support and training for your company.

Problem Solving

Let's look at your company's health and implement the necessary solutions and strategy to build great mental wellbeing and resilience. for you and all your staff.

Wellbeing Training

Calm Company is focused on the education of your staff enabling them to be proactive and have a toolbox of skills that creates a cohesive and productive company and a great mindset.

mental wellbeing at work


Enjoy life

To be happy in life is a vital element for you to thrive and to evolve. Happiness will promote mental wellbeing.

mental resilience at work


Your potential

Realising and nurturing your real potential enables you and staff to progress within the company and be a valuable asset.

stress at work


Finding balance

Finding balance is important for mental health. The more skills you have to implement this, the easier it will be to do at work.

workplace mental wellbeing


Create change

By creating a positive change in your business and utilising our techniques increase staff loyalty, satisfaction and productivity.

Calm Company

About Us

Calm Company methods are used by both SMEs and Major Global Corporations with great success. Even the most skeptical have been amazed and convinced by the tools and techniques that we teach in the Calm Company programmes. The array of beneficial programmes offered provide great and positive changes in the workforce's attitude and ability. We are all human beings and we should be happy. Happiness creates health. Health creates resilience. Let's get back into the habit of being happy!

Mental wellbeing at work isn't just about being stressed.

Let us work with you to create a structured, tailor-made strategy for your business. Whereas other 'wellbeing systems' out there simply offer videos highlighting that you have stress or only teach about signposting. They only provide information that just confirms what you and the staff generally already know!

Calm Company has a fresh, different approach. It is a proactive training system for a new skillset and mindset, providing staff with a toolbox of great techniques to improve wellbeing and resilience at both work and at home. Our programmes are offered as either on-site or live webinar training and we can easily cater to the quantity of personnel you want to educate. We can build your company's resilient workforce step by step, or fast-track them through to rapid improvement.

Created by Nick Warburton, Calm Company utilises Nick's comprehensive knowledge, training and experience within both the wellbeing and Occupational Health sector, having supplied training to major corporations including the rail sector, vehicle manufacture, logistics and energy companies. As an actively practicing specialist and with a background in education, Nick can combine all his skills together to provide you with the ideal training for you and your business. You can learn more about Nick at his improvemymindset website.

Download the pdf information brochure, below. Contact Nick Warburton to find out more, so we can take the next step, work together and ensure that your business has the necessary longevity, cohesion and competitive edge with happy staff.

Skillset - Mindset- Structure

Calm Company

Our approach to mental wellbeing

Many Occupational Health companies will offer the usual support through counseling services, etc via EAP. If a member of your staff has to access this service, then they are already experiencing a compromised wellbeing. They may already be feeling like they need time off work or that they want to work elsewhere. Reactive support is not ideal for your staff as the issue has already happened and may continue to happen. Do you want to keep firefighting?

What if your company was proactive in its approach to mental wellbeing?

What if your staff were able to recognise early signs of compromised mental wellbeing?

What if you and your staff were given the preventative skills to self-manage as well as support each other?

How would the company improve if you and your staff had the skills required to have strong mental wellbeing and resilience?

What if all this could be taught to your staff in an enjoyable way, rapidly either on-site or via a live webinar?

Calm Company has been created as a proven modern, highly effective method to address all of the above and for turbo-charging your wellbeing needs. With a variety of programmes available, we have the right solution for you to create a better, calm, cohesive and more productive environment, from shop floor to CEO.

No matter how small or large your company is, we can create the ideal solution for you. Small businesses need looking after too as they can often be the most vulnerable and get forgotten about. Calm Company is here to support you and your staff to be a resilient workforce with a great skillset, mindset and structure.

Mental Wellbeing & resilience

Creating A Strong Wellbeing & Resilience

Strong mental wellbeing and resilience enables your staff to work well under pressure and maintain focus to drive tasks forward without burnout.

teaching communiation at work

Teaching Communication

Communication to and between staff ensures that everyone is working together and for a common goal. All too often, lack of communication causes issues.

understand mental health and wellbeing

How To Understand Each Other

Teaching staff and management to understand about mental health and wellbeing will create cohesive teams that actively look after each other and know what to do.

build a support mental health network

Building A Support Network

Design and creation of support groups and teaching how to operate these ensures that staff have a safe place to be able to share concerns or discuss issues.

well-being skills at work

Wellbeing Skills Outside Of Work

When you actively care for your own wellbeing, home life will improve too, creating a better lifestyle, relationships and general outlook. Health can improve too.

mental resilience at work

Strengthen Your Emotional Bond

Science has now proven the importance of interaction with others and how we can nurture working relationships as well as relationships at home.

mental healh training

Building A Strong Workforce

A strong workforce creates a strong company. It builds a competitive edge over other rivals, increases overall productivity & decreases absenteeism.

corporate training mental health

Being The Best That You Can Be

You can be proud of the workforce you create and they can be proud of their achievements. Managers and CEOs will be great leaders due to their new skills & mindset.

Calm Company Programmes

We have a range of wellbeing programmes to suit your situation and requirements, as well as offering bespoke training. Download our pdf brochure for more details or contact us and let's identify your needs.

Understanding Mental Wellbeing & Mental Health In The Workplace

To create an understanding of the complete mental health landscape including the benefits we can receive by harnessing the power of mental wellbeing both in the workplace and at home. An ideal introduction to our training.

Resilience At Work


Our flagship resilience at work training programme that enables staff to acquire and become competent in the effective self-care tools and techniques and with the ability to measure their progress so enhancing any workplace environment.

Perform Well Under Pressure

Tailored to the environment most commonly affecting your management and staff. It can include specific exercises created around challenges regularly encountered.


Designed particularly for those in the front line of Care-working employment where the potential for secondary trauma is high. This programme can be adapted to suit the nature of your establishment.

Trauma Release Diplomat

Key staff members can be specially trained to work with colleagues within your company to identify and work with specific trauma and mental wellbeing issues in the workplace.

Consultancy & Talks

Supporting you to identify strengths and weaknesses in your corporate wellbeing and creating a plan forward. Providing talks to staff and management about wellbeing.

Trauma Release For Individuals

Nick Warburton can work 1 to 1 with an individual/employee privately online, identify their trauma, anxiety, etc and then remove it. This can prevent potential absenteeism and further mental health issues.



Working with CEOs and management to reduce or remove their mental burnout or the potential risk to encounter burnout. Sadly, it has become all too common, post-pandemic, so make sure you aren't affected.



Creating a shift in your mindset with techniques to enable your life, both at work and home to be the amazing success you desire.

Professional Perfection

Removing your fear and barriers that create stress and nerves when having to make a business presentation or speak publicly.

Calm Company


Whether you are a start-up, SME or a major global corporation, we want to provide the best and most effective solutions to suit the needs of your situation and budget. This may be just a simple introduction to Mental Wellbeing, rising to a full consultancy or an ongoing plan for staff and management. Pricing starts from less than £16 per person. If you are a small business with only a few employees, we can create a solution for you too. It all starts with a chat to identify your needs, so contact us now and let the dialogue begin!

Calm Company

Contact Us

Let's discuss your Mental Wellbeing and Resilience training requirements so you too can create the best business.

Skillset - Mindset - Structure

mental wellbeing sills


Your staff may have certain skills within your business, but how much do they understand about Mental Health, Wellbeing & Resilience?

improvemyindset corporate training


Do your staff have the necessary positive mindset to perform well when under pressure and to look after each other in a pro-active way?

Corporate mental wellbeing training


You may already have the structures in place for your business to operate. Is it effective and efficient? How could it be even better?

Call 0844 357 92 92


Corporate wellbeing training

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